Our dear and amazing friends August and Emil just returned from a fabulous, once in a lifetime European vacation!! Not exactly once in a lifetime for them since they have both lived and traveled all over Europe and yes, I am ridiculously pea green with envy. I have lived vicariously through them for the last month as I have raced to the mailbox each day anticipating another postcard. I was most happily rewarded!
See what I mean?!
They have been home just a couple of days and this is what I received in my inbox, you gotta be kidding me, you think they would be just a little tired:
"Well our European tour has ended and we are home safe and sound. What an adventure we had!
Our garden is just amazing and producing tons of great veggies. Today I made a radish soup and wanted to share the recipe with you, in case you have radishes in your garden........this soup is so yummy. My Mom used to make it all the time."
Fresh bounty from their garden
Creamy Radish Soup, Emil Friesenhahn
The Chef In My Head
12 Radishes
1 large white onion
2 cups chicken broth
1 cup water
2 bay leaves
1 Big sprig of thyme
3 tablespoon butter
3 tablespoon flour.....I used HEB frying flour with all the wonderful spices in it
2 cups 2% milk........use half and half if you want richer soup...it is great with 2%
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
salt and pepper if you use regular flour, omit if you use the frying flour
Chop the radishes, bay leaf, thyme and onion and cook in the chicken broth and water, cook until radishes and onion are soft. Remove the bay leaf and thyme stem. Put radishes and onion in food processor and puree. Return them to the broth
Sooo pretty!
In a separate pan melt the butter and add flour to make a rue, cooking about one minute. Slowly add milk, stirring until smooth. Add radish mixture, Worcestershire sauce (and salt and pepper if using regular flour)
This soup is so yummy and smells delightful when you are cooking it. If you want to get fancy you can cook some of the radish tops and puree them separately and swirl into the top of the soup.
Mr. Fancy Pants Emil, that's IMPRESSIVE!!
Hope to see you soon, drink some wine and tell stories about the trip..........after a tour of the garden of course!
Well Emil, we love you too and can't wait to see you, look at all your pictures, listen to all the fantastic stories and hear every tiny detail about all the amazing food you had!!!
Love you more ;-)
Leslie Michele

wow Emil I am so impressed .. that looks gorgeous!! I wanna go to Paris again too!! Glad you had tons of fun!