Sunday, March 14, 2010

Succulent Steamed Mussels with White Wine

Years ago I traveled to Nashville to help care for my nephew while my sister went to NYC to celebrate her 30th birthday with her girlfriends. Did I say YEARS ago, oh yes, it was YEARS ago when my sweet baby sister turned 30! My brother-in-law was working so I took care of Jackson during the day, what a joy! My sister had been teaching Jackson sign language before he learned how to talk. I didn't know the "signs" very well for "all finished", "I'm hungry", "thank you", "more", etc., let's just suffice to say his arms were really tired by the time I left.
My brother in law, Jeff is a fabulous cook (remember the Beer Eyed Black Eyed Peas) and one of the many things I love about him is his willingness to be my guinea pig when it comes to food. What better time to try something new! We had a beautiful dinner of fresh steamed mussels in white wine with crusty French Bread. Shamefully, this is the first time I have made that dish again in many many YEARS.
If preparing mussels is something new for you, be not afraid! They are delicious and super easy! Here is a website I found for you with good basic info on how to select, store and cook mussels Discover Mussels. And here is my recipe. Enjoy!
Steamed Mussels with Garlic, Thyme, Saffron, White Wine and Butter adapted from Tyler Florence recipe
4 Servings
3 pounds mussels
Extra-virgin Olive Oil
4 T Butter
4 Garlic cloves, minced
6 Green Onions, chopped, separate white and green parts
2 T fresh Thyme, pulled from stems
6-8 strands Saffron
1-1/2 C dry White Wine
1/4 C Fresh flat-leaf Parsley, chopped
Rinse the mussels under cold running water while scrubbing with a vegetable brush. Remove the stringy mussels beards with your thumb and index finger as you wash them. Discard any mussels with broken shells or that will not close when tapped.
Heat 1 T olive oil and 2 T butter in a large pot over medium heat. Add white tops of green onions, garlic, thyme along with saffron and cook for about 5 minutes. Add the mussels and give everything a good toss. Add the white wine. Cover and steam and steam over med-high heat for about 10 minutes, until the mussels are open. Stir occasionally so that all the mussels are in contact with the heat. Add the remaining butter and drizzle with remaining olive oil, green parts of green onions to the sauce in the pot and swirl to incorporate. Season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with the parsley and serve immediately with good crusty French Bread!

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  1. I love mussels, especially the dish from France "Moules Marinières" Mussels with a whole bottle of white wine and traditionally, french fries are dipped in that white wine sauce.

    I should remake some once mussels are back on sale!

  2. Oh Victor, I think you are right! A touch of cream (like in Moules Marinieres) would be a wonderful addition. Good call! ~LeslieMichele

  3. I love mussels & this recipe look delicious! Great photos as well - thanks for sharing. I also just signed up to follow your fabulous blog - stop by and visit me at www.stephaniesavorsthemoment. Looking forward to your next post.

  4. We love mussels and I always appreciate a good recipe! We can walk down to the beach, at the right time of year, and pluck them off the rocks take them home and steam them for dinner! How lucky am I? :)

  5. I adore mussels! And the ones you made look wonderfully plump and succulent.

  6. This looks delicious – mussels are a wonderful choice, and steaming them this way is a really classic, delicious treatment. My family don't like mussels and I think one day I will cook them just for myself :)

  7. Delicious mussels! I love the saffron in your recipe!

  8. Dear Ivy, My family said that too, they did however try it and said they like it (with strange looks on their faces).I think it was more the idea of eating something that looks like that. This dish will actually freeze well if you make sure the mussels are completely covered in the sauce. Nuke it in the microwave and it ready for you in just a few minutes!! ~LeslieMichele

  9. I've never even tried a mussel before - you are very brave! :D

  10. Thanks for sharing this recipe and the website. I have dreamed of making this kind of mussel dish, but it seems I never get around to it. I remember a dinner at a restaurant in Virginia where they served something close to this, and it was heavenly!

  11. After looking at the first photo and thinking you had made an error in your subject matter (I thought it was a photo of very hungry baby birds waiting for mom to feed them) it really looks pretty good. I have never eaten mussels or clams.

    Love you, Mom

  12. OH Mom......You are so silly!
    Love you~LeslieMichele

  13. I am a mussels addict! Your post literally made my mouth water - nice job!

  14. Oh my God! I was mouthwatering just with the picture! It seems a delicious recipe!

    Doña Masita


I'm so glad you stopped by and I can't wait to read your comments. I will stop by your blog shortly!